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Fraudulent measles information discovered

18 October 2019

Measles Istock Resized 2019
Measles Istock Resized 2019

The Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) has become aware that an unknown individual or entity may be spreading false information regarding vaccination status and hospitalisations for measles cases in New Zealand.

The information claims to be from an ESR source, but this is not correct.

The false information contains a graph that compares hospitalisation rates of vaccinated and unvaccinated cases, and has been fraudulently attributed to ESR.

ESR is deeply concerned about the potential for incorrect information to deter parents from vaccinating their children.

ESR’s legal and cybersecurity experts have started an investigation. We have advised the Ministry of Health and public health units of the situation.

All of New Zealand’s measles surveillance data is provided by ESR to the Ministry of Health.

ESR’s internationally renowned experts collect, collate and analyse data and intelligence on a wide range of diseases present in New Zealand.

For the most up-to-date and correct data on measles visit