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Science for communities
He Pūtaiao, He Tangata

Science for communities

Inspiring game changing thinking: ESR partners on genomics boot camp

Inspiring game changing thinking: ESR partners on genomics boot camp

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The Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) is the New Zealand government research agency dedicated to the health, wellbeing and safety of our communities. We use world-leading science to monitor disease, test food and products, safeguard our water, support the justice sector and more. By joining forces with experts and iwi, we’re tackling critical issues to ensure a better Aotearoa for all.

Our mahi for the benefit of Aotearoa


live dashboards

to help the public track potential risks in their local areas, see latest testing numbers and keep on top of outbreaks.


ESR experts

the largest team of forensic, social, radiation, environmental and infectious disease scientists in NZ.


iwi-led projects

Increasing Māori collaboration and partnership and demonstrating ESR’s commitment to Māori.