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Dr Jill Vintiner

Dr Jill Vintiner took on the role of Joint General Manager Health and Environment – Health in 2020 with a focus on the delivery of scientific solutions including laboratory analytical work and surveillance activities to the health sector.


Dr Jill Vintiner joined the Health and Environment Business Group in August 2020 as the Chief Operating Officer with a focus on the COVID-19 pandemic response including the laboratory activities, data and informatics, as well as epidemiological intelligence and surveillance work streams. Jill moved into the role of General Manager Health, Health and Environment Business Group with responsibility for the scientific delivery of ESR’s Public Health infectious diseases work programme. Jill’s previous role was Forensic Programme Manager in ESR’s Forensic group. Jill has a PhD in Molecular Genetics from University College of London and a Bachelor of Science Biochemistry (First Class Honours) from Victoria University of Wellington and has also held other executive appointments.