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Shorland Medal 2019- SHIVERS team award

24 October 2019

An ESR lead research project investigating influenza and influenza vaccines has won a top national science award for contributing new insights into the burden of influenza, vaccine effectivness and influenza immunology.

The New Zealand Association of Scientists (NZAS) Shorland Medal was presented to a team of researchers at a ceremony in Auckland on Tuesday 22 October 2019.

The award recognises the work of the SHIVERS (Southern Hemisphere Influenza and Vaccine Effectivness Research and Surveillance) team in recognition of major and continued contribution to the largest and most comprehensive influenza research initiative ever conducted in the Southern Hemisphere.

Led by ESR's Principal Investigator Dr. Sue Huang, the SHIVERS project aims to evaluate influenza disease burden, epidemiology, virology, risk factors and immunology, along with measurement of the effectiveness of vaccination prevention strategies.

Dr Keith McLea, ESR Chief Executive says, "this award is recognition of the importance of the ongoing SHIVERS study and its contribution to national and international understanding about influenza." "Receiving recognition from the scientific community is an acknowledgment of the quality of the work being done by Dr Huang and her fellow researchers."

SHIVERS contributes to influenza control and pandemic preparedness, including informing policy changes; generating ground-breaking new knowledge and establishing modern and essential national surveillance infrastructure in hospital and primary care settings as New Zealand's emergence response capability.

SHIVERS is a successful multi-agency and multi-disciplinary collaboration including ESR, the Universities of Auckland and Otago, and the Auckland and Counties Manukau District Health Boards. This Shorland Medal is awarded to SHIVERS team members: Principal Investigator (PI), Dr. Sue Huang (Virology) and co-PIs: DR Nikki Turner (General Practice, UoA), Michael Baker (Epidemiology, UoO), Cameron Grant (Paediatrics, ADHB) and Adrian Trenholme (Paediatrics, UoA).