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Preserving Māori cultural assets

20 November 2017

Preserving Māori Cultural Assets
Preserving Māori Cultural Assets

ESR partnered with Matatā based iwi Ngāti Rangitihi and 3D visualisation experts Blue Cube Consulting to co-develop a virtual marae visualisation platform named Te Rererunga (the ‘fly over’).

Te Rererunga allows iwi to record, document, preserve and share the unique cultural heritage of their marae and wāhi tapu.

The application builds on ESR’s 3D capture and visualisation expertise to deliver an immersive and interactive culture heritage preservation and education tool. Key functions of Te Rererunga include the archival record of a marae and its contents should damage or loss occur, better informed insurance cover and preserving the memories and stories behind significant buildings and artefacts.

The application enables the transition of knowledge exchange from an oral tradition to an interactive process that can engage with a wider and more dispersed audience, enhancing the connection between iwi members and their marae.