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Internationally significant work honoured

12 February 2020

ESR Scientist John Buckleton Fitwzmwmcwzmdbd 2020
ESR Scientist John Buckleton Fitwzmwmcwzmdbd 2020

Top honours have been given to ESR Scientist Dr John Buckleton for work that’s making a significant contribution on the world stage. 

He’s being awarded the Adelaide Medal by the International Association of Forensic Sciences.  The Medal acknowledges scientific work that internationally has resulted in a change of direction, new thinking or significant improvement in existing forensic methodologies.

Dr Buckleton is considered a world leader in the interpretation and analysis of forensic evidence – he’s also one of the developers of STRmix™.

As part of the STRmix™ team, he along with follow ESR scientist Dr Jo-Anne Bright and Duncan Taylor from Forensic Science South Australia, revolutionised DNA interpretation by creating software that analyses complex DNA samples faster and more accurately.

Over his career Dr Buckleton has examined more than 2,000 cases, given evidence about 200 times as well as co-authoring more than 200 significant publications in forensic science, including shoeprints, firearms, DNA, blood grouping, fire debris analysis, glass and paint.

For Dr Buckleton, forensics is everything. “It’s my whole life. I wake up and do it, and I dream about it at night. “

“It’s just fantastic – the problem-solving aspects, the camaraderie of working on important issues. And if I go to my grave thinking, I’ve made some contribution to justice - that would be good.”

Dr Buckleton will be formally presented with the medal at the IAFS meeting being held in Sydney in June.