Respiratory virus culture

Clinical Virology Laboratory

Testing will be performed only by request from a clinical microbiologist/virologist or infectious diseases consultant. Request form must include relevant clinical details and state the clinician who has approved the test.



Health Science

Lab name

Clinical Virology Laboratory

Lab location

Wallaceville Science Centre, Upper Hutt

Test name

Respiratory virus culture


Influenza A & B virus (family: Orthomyxoviridae; Genus: influenza A & B) SARS-CoV-2 (Family: Coronaviridae, Genus: Coronavirus)

Requested for surveillance


Notice required


Media requirements

Viral transport media

Pre-transport requirements

5 ± 3°C within 24 hours

Transport requirements

5 ± 3°C within 24 hours

How results reported

Report will state respiratory viral culture result for the specimen. There is a charge for the test.

Turnaround time

Contact the laboratory

Referral link
