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MERS-CoV virus real-time RT-PCR

Clinical Virology Laboratory


Health Science

Lab name

Clinical Virology Laboratory

Lab location

Wallaceville Science Centre, Upper Hutt

Test name

MERS-CoV virus real-time RT-PCR



Requested for surveillance


Notice required


Sample requirements

Respiratory specimens such as nasopharyngeal aspirate, throat/nasal swab, bronchial wash, autopsy/biopsy etc.

Testing will be performed only by request from a clinical microbiologist/virologist or infectious diseases consultant. Request form must include relevant clinical details and state the clinician who has approved the test.

Pre-transport requirements

5 ± 3°C for less than 24 hours

Transport requirements

5 ± 3°C for less than 24 hours

How results reported

MERS-Coronavirus detected or not detected

Referral link
