Dengue virus serotyping by real-time RT-PCR

Clinical Virology Laboratory


Health Science

Lab name

Clinical Virology Laboratory

Lab location

Wallaceville Science Centre, Upper Hutt

Test name

Dengue virus serotyping by real-time RT-PCR


Dengue virus serotype 1, 2, 3, 4

Requested for surveillance


Notice required


Sample requirements

Serum (~3 mL) collected within 7 days of illness onset

Urine (~50mL) collected within 15 days of illness onset

Pre-transport requirements

5 ± 3°C for less than 24 hours

Transport requirements

5 ± 3°C for less than 24 hours

How results reported

Dengue virus serotype 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 detected or not detected

Turnaround time

10 working days

Referral link
