Pūtaiao wainuku
Groundwater science
Forty percent of Aotearoa relies on groundwater for drinking, but it’s vulnerable to contamination and increasingly threatened by land use and climate change. ESR science is exploring how we can protect this valuable resource for the benefit of every New Zealander.
Groundwater is stored underground in spaces between rocks or soil and is an important source for replenishing surface water and drinking water. Almost half of the population in Aotearoa New Zealand rely on groundwater for drinking, but it’s vulnerable to contamination. ESR is working to ensure groundwater is safe and resilient to future challenges.
The majority of monitored groundwater resources don’t meet standards. What’s more, groundwater resources are increasingly threatened by factors like land-use change and climate change. All of this reduces the health of groundwater ecosystems, and therefore the overall status of our freshwater ecosystems.
Access to safe water is a fundamental human right. Through an in-depth, research driven understanding of groundwater contamination processes, our groundwater scientists help clients to identify and address issues associated with land use intensification and its effects on groundwater quality.
We also design tools for water managers to enable them to assess, predict and minimise the impacts of climate change and land use on groundwater quality.
Groundwater management
Groundwater management
Through an in-depth, research driven understanding of groundwater contamination processes, our team of groundwater scientists help clients to identify and address issues associated with land use intensification and its effects on groundwater quality.
We also design tools for water managers to enable them to assess, predict and minimise the impacts of land use, and land use changes, on groundwater quality.
Our research
He Wai Māpuna
Our groundwater scientists are working with Rūnanga o Ngāi te Rangi and Ngā Hapū o Matakana me Rangiwaea as part of ESR's He Wai Māpuna programme. They're developing a wai programme for Matakana whānau that will include groundwater visualisations and groundwater monitoring on Matakana Island.
Groundwater health index
We're busy establishing a groundwater health index focused on the presence of macroinvertebrates in groundwater and microbial diversity.
Active involvement with regional and district councils
We have active involvement with regional and district councils throughout New Zealand, providing advice, exchange of hydrogeological data, and undertaking research and case studies of concern and importance to councils.
A recent request from all the councils was to develop a tool to assess the risk of microbial contamination to drinking water supply wells from a range of land uses. This was funded from an Envirolink Tools grant and was carried out jointly with GNS Science.
Pacific consultancy
We're contributing knowledge and design concepts for future public health programmes with and for countries in the Pacific region (from policy to practice). The goal is to empower them to achieve their goals for cleaner, safer drinking water and sanitation.
We have co-ordinated national survey of pesticides in groundwater every 4 years since 1990 for the regional councils. The last two surveys have included a suite of emerging organic contaminants (EOCs).
Groundwater Research Impact Report, Pūrongo Pānga Rangahau Wainuku 2023
In Aotearoa New Zealand, nearly half of drinking water comes from groundwater, and it is an important source for replenishing surface water like rivers, lakes, and wetlands. This report highlights ESR’s work to understand the current state of groundwater, how groundwater will respond to stressors, and how to prevent groundwater contamination.
Legal frameworks for the conservation and sustainable management of groundwater ecosystems
Groundwater is the largest and oldest continental habitat and is a vital resource for society. This chapter provides a critical review on the existing legal frameworks for the conservation and sustainable use and management of groundwater ecosystems and its related services. Groundwater is mainly perceived as an essential source for drinking water, irrigation, and use in industry, rather than a living entity with a hidden biodiversity that provides essential functions and processes. In fact, groundwater habitats harbor a vast diversity of microbial and metazoan species, of which some are shared with adjoining surface ecosystems, but the majority is unique to the subsurface aquatic ecosystems. Many groundwater species are rare and endemic, with numerous cryptic and relict species, as well as some classified as “living fossils.” It is estimated that >50% of groundwater biodiversity still awaits discovery. Legal frameworks in place are mainly dedicated to protecting groundwater as a resource but largely ignore biological communities and their important functions, which are crucial for maintaining high-quality groundwater and healthy ecosystems, including those on the surface (e.g., groundwater dependent ecosystems). Protection of groundwater ecosystems is often indirect via the resource approach or because valuable groundwater sources overlap with protected land, as part of national parks and nature world heritage areas. However, there are a few exceptions. A strong focus is on Europe and Australia, but further international and national legal aspects of groundwater ecosystem protection are introduced. Current limitations, challenges, and needs are discussed. Groundwater ecosystems are an essential part of the hydrological cycle and deserve similar attention with respect to survey, assessment, and protection in line with surface aquatic ecosystems. Their low resistance to perturbation and high levels of endemic species in very fragmented habitats warrant even stronger protection efforts.
Microbial diversity and processes in groundwater
A large fraction of the total global prokaryotic biomass lives in the groundwater-saturated zones of the continental subsurface. Groundwater environments are dark, and typically contain low levels of organic matter and nutrients. While these environments are locally often relatively stable over time, there can be large hydrological and physicochemical variation across space. Microorganisms catalyze essential biogeochemical processes in groundwater environments, like the cycling of carbon, nitrogen, and other elements, as well as the natural attenuation of contaminants. Instead of operating in isolation, different functional groups of microorganisms interact to drive these processes. In this chapter, we will discuss how microbial diversity and community composition is shaped by the characteristic features of groundwater environments, the importance of microbial interactions in sustaining community diversity and key biogeochemical cycles, including the attenuation of contaminants (i.e., aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated organic compounds, toxic metals, and organic micropollutants), and their responses to environmental perturbations.
Exploring the Bacterial Community in Aged Fecal Sources from Dairy Cows: Impacts on Fecal Source Tracking
This paper discusses the impact of agricultural activities on stream health, particularly in relation to dairy cow fecal pollution. The study explores the fecal microbiome of cattle and the potential ecological implications of aging fecal pollution on waterways. The study examines changes in the bacterial community available for mobilization from in-situ decomposing cowpats and the effects of simulated rainfall. The microbiome of individual cowpats was monitored over 5.5 months. We used 16S rRNA metagenomics and machine learning software, FEAST (Fast Expectation-mAximization for microbial Source Tracking), for bacterial and fecal source assignments. The phyla Bacillota and Bacteroidota are dominant in the fecal microbiota of fresh cow feces but shift to Pseudomonodota, Actinomycetota, and environmental Bacteroidota in aged cowpats. Potential impacts of these bacterial community shifts on inputs to local agricultural streams are discussed in relation to water quality monitoring and aging sources of fecal contamination. We identified taxon orders that are potential indicators of fresh cattle sources (Oscillospirales and Bacteroidales) and aged sources (Peptostreptococcales-Tissierellales) in water bodies. The paper highlights that bacterial metagenomic profiling can inform our understanding of the ecology of microbial communities in aquatic environments and the potential impacts of agricultural activities on ecosystem health.
Assessing groundwater ecosystem health, status, and services
The concept of ecosystem health is now widely used to communicate the status or condition of a natural environment and is embedded in environmental policies globally. The concept has underpinned ecological assessments for decades but has only recently been applied to groundwater ecosystems. The aim of this chapter was to provide a critical review of current methods for monitoring and assessing the health of groundwater ecosystems, and a discussion of future directions to progress the understanding of ecosystem health, and the provision of ecosystem services in groundwaters.
Effects of native plants on nitrogen cycling microorganisms in soil
Plants modify the nitrogen (N) cycle in soil through plant N uptake, root exudation, and nitrification inhibition resulting from root exudates and changes to the physicochemical properties of soil. Plants with specific traits can be selected to manage N fluxes in the soil following the land application of N-rich wastes thereby reducing losses of N from these systems into the atmosphere (via nitrous oxide) and waterbodies (via nitrate). Previous work has shown that some New Zealand native myrtaceous species can reduce such losses more than other species, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. It was hypothesized that lower N losses may result from the inhibition of nitrification and denitrification. We aimed to determine the effect of New Zealand native plant species on the abundance of nitrifying and denitrifying microorganisms in the soil using a pot experiment with five native plant species (Carex secta, Coprosma robusta, Kunzea robusta, Leptospermum scoparium, and Metrosideros umbellata) and exotic pasture (Lolium perenne). Half of the pots received fertilisation with N (urea), phosphorus, potassium, and sulphur, while the remainder were unfertilised controls. We quantified the abundance of bacteria, archaea, and the functional genes encoding nitrite reductase (nirK, nirS), nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ), and bacterial and archaeal ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) in the rhizosphere of these plants. Results indicated that plant species had a significant effect on the abundance of nosZ and bacterial amoA. In fertilised soil, the abundance of bacterial amoA was lower under mono-than dicotyledonous species. Similarly, the chemical properties of the soil differed between these groups. Monocotyledonous species took up more N and had lower concentrations of mineral N in the rhizosphere. This indicates that the increased competition for N likely reduced the abundance of amoA and therefore nitrification and nitrate losses. The results support the utilisation of species selection to reduce N losses. In particular, monocotyledonous species may be planted in high-fertility environments to mitigate N contami-nation of ground-and surface water. Future work should determine the mechanisms of plant specific interaction with ammonia-oxidising bacteria, although plant uptake can explain some of the observed differences.
Mobilization of Escherichia coli and fecal source markers from decomposing cowpats.
In rural environments, the sources of fecal contamination in freshwater environments are often diffuse and a mix of fresh and aged fecal sources. It is important for water monitoring purposes, therefore, to understand the impacts of weathering on detection of the fecal source markers available for mobilization from livestock sources. This study targets the impacts of rainfall events on the mobilization of fecal source tracking (FST) markers from simulated cowpats decomposing in situ for five-and-a-half-months. The FST markers analysed were Escherichia coli, microbial source tracking (MST) markers, fecal steroids and a fecal ageing ratio based on the ratio between counts of river microflora and total coliforms. There was a substantial concentration of E. coli (104/100 mL) released from the ageing cowpats suggesting a long-term reservoir of E. coli in the cowpat. Mobilization of fecal markers from rainfall-impacted cowpats, however, was markedly reduced compared with fecal markers in the cowpat. Overall, the Bacteroidales bovine-associated MST markers were less persistent than E. coli in the cowpat and rainfall runoff. The ten fecal steroids, including the major herbivore steroid, 24-ethylcoprostanol, are shown to be stable markers of bovine pollution due to statistically similar degradation rates among all steroids. The mobilizable fraction for each FST marker in the rainfall runoff allowed generation of mobilization decline curves and the derived decline rate constants can be incorporated into source attribution models for agricultural contaminants. Findings from this study of aged bovine pollution sources will enable water managers to improve attribution of elevated E. coli to the appropriate fecal source in rural environments.
Groundwater modelling
Groundwater modelling
ESR’s data scientists are helping to build a picture of how contaminants and pathogens survive and move through our groundwater systems and the impact this has on the quality and safety of the water we use.
Groundwater is one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most valuable resources. It provides drinking water to 40% of the population, more than 30% of the water for the primary sector (such as farming and forestry), and a massive 80% of New Zealand’s springs, streams, and wetland baseflows.
At the same time, the impact of climate change, changing land use, and chemical pollutants are putting the safety and quality of our groundwater at risk. To build understanding of how contaminants move into and through aquifers, and how those contaminants are naturally filtered or bioremediated, ESR’s scientists carry out large scale field experiments and analyse the results using a combination of data science and numerical modelling.
Our groundwater modellers analyse pathogen, tracer, and nutrient experimental datasets alongside real-time groundwater sensor data from ESR’s experimental sites in Canterbury and sites across New Zealand. The team is also developing a set of visualisation tools to better demonstrate to our communities the outcomes of their work, how groundwater moves through aquifers, and how different contamination sources degrade the quality and safety of groundwater supplies and freshwater bodies.
Pathogen and nutrient movement in different groundwater systems
The team will use novel synthetic surrogates and DNA tracers to identify the pathways and processes that harmful microbes and contaminants take in aquifers.
In one experiment, the DNA tracers will be simultaneously injected at several wells at ESR’s Canterbury testing site and their movement will be tracked with very intense sampling.
The sampling results will be analysed numerically in 3D space and time. By mapping the movement of these synthetic tracers, the team will be able to better predict how contaminants are transported through groundwater systems.
Merging Machine Learning and numerical tools
Regional councils know that carefully-mapped drinking well capture zones (the area around a drinking water well that contributes water, and potentially contaminants and pathogens, to the well) are essential to minimise public health risks and the economic impact on farmers. But building a picture of the complex geological structures under the ground is difficult.
To address this, ESR scientists are developing efficient new methods to simulate well source protection zones, combining novel hybrid deep learning and numerical architectures.
On-site Wastewater Management Systems (OWMS)
On-site wastewater management systems, previously called septic tanks, treat and dispose of sewage into the environment in places that aren’t connected to reticulated wastewater infrastructure (the main sewerage system).
ESR is working closely with regional councils and the on-site wastewater industry to assess the impact of on-site wastewater management systems on our public health and the environment, in particular groundwater quality. Understanding the impact this type of wastewater management has on our groundwater quality is vital – especially when that groundwater is used for drinking water.
Our research
ESR scientists are helping councils throughout Aotearoa in four main research areas:
Estimation of number and location
Canterbury-based ESR scientists, along with Environment Canterbury (ECan), are investigating how Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can be used to estimate the number and location of unknown on-site wastewater management systems. This will help with future risk assessments and resource management planning decisions at a regional and national level.
Typical on-site wastewater management systems wastewater quality
ESR and ECan are surveying thirty on-site wastewater management systems(of varying designs, ages, capacities and household occupancy) across Canterbury to determine their chemical and microbiological composition, as well as the presence of Emerging Organic Contaminants (EOCs).
Impact on groundwater quality
ESR scientists are also monitoring groundwater quality a domestic on-site wastewater management systems at a field research facility in Canterbury in collaboration with ECan, Hynds, and industry specialists. This research will help guide efforts to improve on-site wastewater operation, maintenance and treatment, and measure the microbial and chemical contribution of the on-site wastewater management systems to the receiving environment.
Climate change implications
At the on-site wastewater management systems research facility we're exploring how fluctuating groundwater levels caused by climate change affect this on-site wastewater management systems and potential groundwater contamination.
Why it matters
New Zealand councils are aware of where consented On-site wastewater management systems are located, but for systems that pre-date resource consent requirements (pre-2000), the location and number of on-site wastewater management systems in a region is often unknown. This creates issues when risk assessments for drinking water supplies are completed, particularly when that drinking water source uses groundwater in an area heavily serviced by on-site wastewater management systems.
There is also not enough research to determine the impact of these systems on groundwater quality and the quality of the wastewater itself for a New Zealand context. New Zealand councils and engineers typically rely on international data to estimate the wastewater quality and risks from on-site wastewater management systems on the surrounding environment and human health. But using international data is problematic because these data are collected from on-site wastewater management systems with different designs, standards, climatic conditions, and therefore different treatment capacities and discharge quality, than those commonly used in Aotearoa.
The impact of climate change
Our changing climate makes this research even more important. From droughts to intense rainfall, New Zealand is experiencing an increased frequency of extreme weather events, resulting in rapidly fluctuating groundwater levels. This increases the potential for groundwater to mix with on-site wastewater, which is a risk to groundwater drinking water sources.
Project leader Dr. Louise Weaver says: "Instead of a ‘flush and forget’ mentality, ESR is helping to shine a light on the risks associated with on-site wastewater so that our communities and environment are protected and treasured as a taonga.
Find out more
For more information about the research, contact Louise Weaver (science leader) or Bronwyn Humphries (project lead).
For more information about onsite wastewater management systems, check out ECan’s wastewater information.
Contaminants in groundwater
Contaminants in groundwater
ESR carries out a national assessment of contaminants in groundwater every four years.
The four year survey is for district and regional councils, to assess the quality of their groundwater resources. Samples are taken from approximately 165 wells and tested for a range of over 80 pesticides. ESR has been coordinating this groundwater survey since 1990.
ESR also undertake more general, ‘on-request’ assessments of regional groundwater quality for councils.
The 2018 survey tested for glyphosate for the first time, along with a number of Emerging Organic Contaminants (EOCs). Glyphosate is the active ingredient in a popular weed killer.
Glyphosate was only found in one well from the 135 wells tested – and the level detected was well below (over 400 times lower) WHO recommended health-based value.
“The majority of the wells in the survey showed no change in the amount of pesticides present compared to previous surveys, with less than a quarter of the wells having low levels of pesticides detected,” said ESR principle scientist Murray Close.
“None of the sampled wells exceeded safe drinking water standards, with most pesticides detected at less than 0.5% of the maximum acceptable value (MAV).”
Emerging organic contaminants (EOCs)
Wells were also tested for a range of emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) using a highly sensitive analytical technique that measures EOCs at extremely low concentrations (parts per trillion). The survey tested for close to 30 of these compounds including a diverse range of products such as caffeine and artificial sweeteners along with pharmaceuticals such as pain relief products, contraceptive pills and sunscreen.
“We found these compounds in 70 per cent of wells and detected 25 of the 29 compounds we tested for.”
Overseas research links the discovery of EOCs in groundwater to wastewater sources, including municipal treatment plants, septic tanks, farming activities, as well as indirectly from surface water.
Murray Close says there are no known health or environmental risks, however there are generally no health guidelines associated with EOCs. "The contaminants are widely used and do make their way into the environment in low concentrations.”
The survey recommends that monitoring of groundwater resources is extended and that research is carried out to investigate the likely risks for the EOCs detected in this study including any impacts on ecological systems.
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
The EPA commissioned the tests for PFAS in 2022, as part of the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) four-yearly survey of pesticides in groundwater.
Bioremediation of Groundwater
Bioremediation of groundwater
ESR is developing new methods for the removal of nitrogen from groundwater systems.
New Zealand’s alluvial aquifers in Canterbury, Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa, Southland, Waimea and Marlborough supply irrigation water to large, highly productive farming areas. However, the enhanced production also increases the use of fertiliser and the amount of animal waste that is generated. The nitrogen from these products washes straight through the alluvial soils, into the aquifers, which have little capacity to reduce the nitrates. These aquifers feed lakes and rivers, putting ever increasing quantities of nitrates into the environments loved by New Zealanders.
This tension between farming needs and the environment is increasing, making it likely that production will be constrained in many areas such as Canterbury and the Hawkes Bay.
Finding an innovative solution
Alluvial aquifers
Alluvial aquifers are characterised by fast and heterogeneous groundwater flow patterns, which makes it very challenging to develop, design and implement remediation options. Our research is instead looking at creating conditions in fast-flowing alluvial aquifiers that will bring about denitrification.
Denitrifying Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB)
ESR is developing innovative approaches such as denitrifying Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB). We use advanced shallow depth geophysics, DNA tracers and groundwater microbial community analysis to characterise the aquifer and effectively design and implement mitigation tools like this.
Denitrifying bioreactors
Another technology being trialed is the use of denitrifying bioreactors to treat nitrate from artificial drains. An instream bioreactor using woodchips is being installed near the end of a drainage system that collects shallow groundwater in the Barkers Creek catchment, South Canterbury.
The bioreactor stimulates denitrification and reduces the nitrate before it enters Barkers Creek. Denitrification walls are a tried and tested concept in slow moving sandy aquifer systems where they have proven effective at treating nitrate from point pollution sources. There are no examples, however, of these remediation systems having been installed in gravel aquifers such as those found in Canterbury. In this regard, ESR's pilot study represents a world-first.
Why it matters
These new methods for on-farm denitrification will enable more sustainable farming systems. It is estimated that bioreactor technology can reduce nitrogen by a significant proportion annually.
The research team
Our current research team includes people from ESR and Southern Geophysical, and the previous related project also included collaboration with Lincoln Agritech, Aqualinc Research, and University of Canterbury.
Ngāi Tahu Farming and Environment Canterbury have been involved in proposal development and field site selection and actively monitor progress and results.
Groundwater Science and Research Alliance Aotearoa
ESR, along with groundwater scientists at GNS Science, Aqualinc and Lincoln Agritech also work together, building on each other’s strengths, to improve the understanding and quality of groundwater research. This is called the Groundwater Science and Research Alliance Aotearoa.